Saturday, December 24, 2011

I'll be home for Christmas

May this Christmas bring peace, joy, and warmth to your hearts.

From my snowman gingerbread cookie to yours,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Best friends

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. I am arrived at last in the presence of a man so real and equal, that I may drop even those undermost garments of dissimulation, courtesy, and second thought, which men never put off, and may deal with him with the simplicity and wholeness with which one chemical atom meets another."
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day IV (Warning: picture heavy)

Muneng, Central Java
May 24, 2011
We left for Muneng around 7 AM today. From what I was told, the village at which we are staying is located behind Mount Merapi. We took a few pictures along the way as we were reaching to the top. We were able to see Mount Merapi from a good distance.

The mission crew + Mama Damaris in the van

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love hurts?

Hurting has always been an inherent part of loving. What's ironic is they're inseparable – I mean, hurting and loving.

That is simply how things work in life.
We cannot love without hurting, and it is impossible to be loved without being hurt in the process.
What matters is not how much we love and get hurt, but how much we can TRY to withstand both facets and actually DO withstand them regardless of the season.

It's undeniable that love and hurt are interdependent. When love is present, pain is non-elusive. Just as fire and heat, they go hand-in-hand. When fire burns, the heat hurts. But what happens when you've acclimated?

Mother Teresa once said, "... if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." In other words, what happens when we make love a routine? What happens when we've become accustomed to loving? Will we still feel the hurt?

I'd say yes, however, it won't be as harsh as the first experience. In the end, it's hurt that makes love stronger. When a knife is honed on a regular basis, it will indubitably be sharper each time. Love is a knife that gets refined by the sharpening hurt.

I would deem it implausible to love without hurting. To love is to be vulnerable to all kinds of pain. To love without pain is unthinkable. Love hurts. But that's just the way it is.

From a girl whose love has been hurt,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A toast to the end

It's finally over. After months long of perpetrating name-calling and back-stabbing attacks, it has reached an agreeable appeasement. Apologies have been made and history is long gone, six feet under. I just hope that all this will merely be part of a petty past we will never have to recount or recollect. And I hope that we go our separate paths, wishing each other the best possible for whatever may come in our lives.

Forgive, forget, never look back.

to acquaintances.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just this once

We would do anything for love.
You would do anything
I, for love,

You simply can't explain the feeling.
It's not that simple.
It's not a feeling.
Not an emotion,
At least I don't think so.

How were we last month? 6 months ago? 2 years ago?
We have something distinct to ourselves that no one else can have.

We know who each other is.
You know me, I know you.
KNOW me and you.
And I mean, KNOW.

And that's all that matters. Right? :-)


Friday, September 2, 2011

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day III (iii)

Here is the third (last) part of the mission series numero trois! I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted the previous episode of my mission trip series. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the following post :-).

Click here for pt. i
Click here for pt. ii

Part iii
After Malanggaten, we visited an orphanage called "Anak Seribu Pulau" in Karanganyar, Surakarta, which is also one of the constituents of Ibu Mary's organization, Yayasan Nafiri Kasih (YANAKA). Before I even got out of the car when we arrived, this one particular child was standing near the car and said, "Halo, kakak." At first I could not recall who he was by looking at his face. I then spotted Moris and was reminded of the children I had met at the kindergarten school, Tunas Bangsa, in Pucang Sawit. Apparently some of the kids at Tunas Bangsa live in the orphanage. I was beyond thrilled to see them again!
At the orphanage, there were many kids. What struck me was the fact that a portion of these children still have parents; they just aren't here or are unable to take care of them, mostly due to harsh financial circumstances. It was truly amazing and a humbling experience to witness their mundane living environment, yet these children are living with such zeal, joy, and happiness. Not to mention they looked very healthy and well-fed. By visiting these places, God opened up my heart and mind to realize that I have a passion for children, indeed.

Visit Anak Seribu Pulau blog here!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


High school. What comes to mind when you hear those words? For some people (like myself), high school was a fun, transitional time where transformations occurred. Amidst the stress of homework, exams, and university acceptances, it was the best 4 years of my life.

Memorable highlights:
  • Carter auditions
  • REHEARSALS (sleeping during rehearsals for me)
  • Honour rolls
  • Volunteer hours
  • Kiwanis festivals
  • Missa Gaia
  • Uniforms
  • Lunch group
  • Korean
  • Brebeuf boys
  • And just boys in general (obsession + infatuation)
  • 53 Steeles bus
  • Finch station
  • North York library
  • BORANGE, APPLE, BANANA (hahahaha)
  • National anthems at Raptors game
  • Vocal class + exams
  • Mr. Hauser and Mr. Huang
  • Ms. Hickey
  • Mr. Doherty
  • Spirit Assemblies
  • Civvies days
  • Peer helping
  • 30 hour famine
  • Summer school at Brebeuf :P
  • Julia's summer backyard parties
  • Birthday parties
  • Braces (both for teeth and knee)
  • Kneecap dislocation
  • Hence, crutches + cast
  • PROM!!!!!!!!
  • And last but not least, GRADUATION!!!!
These are only some bullet points among many others.

Hazel, Augusta, Jenny
Me with my knee brace

Proceed to more pictures (click on the link below)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A walk down the M lane

I  remember when I used to write about the most random things in my life on my blog. Had they been about relationships, friendships, fellowship, hardship, courtship–whatever ships they were. I don't know why I stopped. Do you think I should jump onto the boat and start doing that again? Let me know.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, I am sorry that my posts have been lacking, especially the mission ones. I will soon resume writing and finish up my mission series. Thank you for your patience and understanding, everyone.


Monday, August 22, 2011


"Then maybe it's true that I can't live without you."

Was it worth it?


Why waste it when it's not reciprocated? It takes two to BE in love. What's the point of having a one-sided relationship? You chose to wait and ended up wasting your time waiting for something that you knew would not come.

Being held onto for several months and then released after another. What were you thinking? What made you think that she deserved your time and effort and attention?

You had your reasons to stay. But frankly, was it worth it? At the finish line, you were left alone after she bid her sweet good bye and took off in an instant. YET, you still clung on to the words she once uttered to you, the things she did, and the memories you had together. Her words deludedly swallowed her actions. And what do memories mean if they aren't mutually shared?

Was it all worth it?

You're right. You should've taken that move much earlier before she did; pack your bags and catch the last bus ride at 2 AM. That way, you could've saved yourself some remorse.

Perhaps you loved her. Perhaps you really loved her. Or maybe, you just didn't know her.

In my own words, you could do better.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two is Better Than One

To the one with whom I am in love,

"Then maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one"


Monday, August 15, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The End: Of hate

Dear you,

It is the least of my intention to prolong our belligerent engagement with each other. I might have misunderstood your actions/intentions, and I am deeply sorry. Due to my previous intentional conducts, I've come to apologize. If you, for whatever reason, cannot accept my apologies, then there is nothing else that I can do. I'm not going to identify who's wrong and who's right in this situation. I've offered you my sincere apology, and if you don't want to take it, that's absolutely up to your personal discretion.

The only thing I requested from you was your consideration – to think about beyond yourself for the circumstances of other people. But since this was apparently a difficult demand to ask of you, then there is nothing else that I can do. You can suit yourself in doing whatever you want and however you like it. We'll hear it directly from people who have a voice to say what you NEED to hear. And again, it is not because I have nothing else to say to you. I could go on and on with our argument, but when I come to think of it, what good does it bring? Neither of us would relent.

The reason why I tweet is because I like to share my writing with the public, not because I want to publicize my life. It's not my fault you can't convey your life experiences in a riveting manner, hence incapable of intriguing public attention.

I'm done with you. You can eloquently accuse me of being insecure, fake, and/or other names which may be inappropriate to be displayed on my blog. I don't care. And I don't know why you told me to speak the truth when you couldn't even handle it. What I said was honest, blunt, and straightforward. I see nothing fake with it. It's your problem now. People judge other people. You are not the first and only person to have judged me. I have been a victim of judgement many times before. If I were to judge myself, I'd be rendered vain. So I'm leaving all the judgement to you at your disposal. You don't know me, and you said it yourself that you have no further means of getting to know me. Then please stop acting as if you do.

LOVE is a simple term with a complex undertone. It makes a person do crazy, irrational things. That's what love does. I guess you won't ever understand until you find it and learn on your own.

Trust me, you don't know what's going on in my personal life. I will be considerate here and not turn tables to blame you for my life's current predicament. I just hope that someday, SOMEDAY you will comprehend – that you will lose your stubborn personality and start looking at things through different eyes and a selfless heart, and to think about others before you think about yourself. Don't say you're hurt and ask to claim remuneration for it. Other people also get hurt BECAUSE OF YOU. It's such a shame that you are so proud and 'flattered' for ruining other people's lives and relationships.

You have taught and inspired me. I had never used this word on a person before I met you: HATE. I hated you, loathed you, despised you. You were the first (hopefully also the last) and only person toward whom I felt this enmity. But I realized that hate creates nothing but bitterness. It soaks my mind and being with a corrosive solution that gradually leads to an eventual gangrene on a nearly amputated limb.

I HAVE FORGIVEN YOU, on the absence of your apology. Take it or leave it. I'm not one to hold grudges. Don't let your ego consume you more than it already has. "We're not in high school anymore." If you think you're a mature grown-up, you can at the least act like one. Anyway, one of us has made an effort to reconcile.

Go be happy with your own life. It's your right :-).

Best regards,
Yours truly

Warren Barfield - Love Is Not a Fight

Soundtrack of one of my favourite movies, Fireproof.

Love is not a place
To come and go as we please
It's a house we enter in
Then commit to never leave

So lock the door behind you
Throw away the key
We'll work it out together
Let it bring us to our knees

Love is a shelter in a raging storm
Love is peace in the middle of a war
And if we try to leave, may God send angels to guard the door
No, love is not a fight but it's something worth fighting for

To some, love is a word
That they can fall into
But when they're falling out
Keeping that word is hard to do

Love will come to save us
If we'll only call
He will ask nothing from us
But demand we give our all

I will fight for you
Would you fight for me?

It's worth fighting for

Friday, August 12, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #19

"If people believe that good things come to an end, what makes you think the bad ones don't?"

RQ: Random Quote #18

"Reading is analogous to shopping. There's always at least one new word to be picked out."

New videos!

My brother has generously put up 2 new videos on my YouTube channel! :D Thank you, little brother.
Here are the links:



With love always,

Good things come

It's funny how you always find the things you're not looking for.

They may make you
But they also
... laugh with you, cry with you, fight with you, and keep you calm even when you're angry.

They may be your friend, best friend, lover..... they may even be your soulmate.

Good things come when you least expect them to. And when they do, be sure not to miss.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #17

"Education may certify a person's intelligibility, but it does not necessarily render him wise."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thoughts and prayers: Somalia case

Published: August 1, 2011
The Shabab Islamist insurgent group is imprisoning displaced and starving Somalis who were trying to escape Shabab territory.

This article is linked directly from the New York Times website. PLEASE, PLEASE spare some time and give the article a brief read to inform you (if you haven't already been so) of what is currently ongoing in our world today. No, we cannot go there and physically be present to witness this horrific phenomenon due to the extreme danger, to which we could all be vulnerable. I know there's nothing we can do at this point, as aid is pretty much impeded, thus rendered ineffective, but we could always remember to bring this issue and the people into our thoughts and prayers. Some of us may not bother and are too hard-pressed living their frantic lives, which is completely reasonable. But if I could ask each and every one of my blog reader to just burden yourself with this kind of deliberation in your everyday life, perhaps it would make a substantial bit of difference.

We, as Christians, believe in the power of prayer. Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is impossible for those who believe. Right now I'm asking all of us to gather ourselves, join together in unity, and act upon our belief by praying for these people and their nation. In Matthew 18:19-20, Jesus says, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” I think this is fairly straightforward of what is clearly laid out in the bible. Should we refer to the notion of practicality: is this feasible? Yes. Simple enough? Very. Everything seems impossible, but we must remember that GOD MAKES THE IMPLAUSIBLE POSSIBLE. This is not about your erudition in sociopolitical affairs, nor is it a case of how much comprehension you have of global matters. It is plainly a question of whether or not you CARE. And I'm making a modest request to my blog readers to participate in this consideration.

REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN, please make some contribution by keeping them in your thoughts, raising awareness, and/or being knowledgeable – anything counts! This is the LEAST we could do to make a difference. When you pray, please do not forget to include Somalia and the people who are inflicted by this gruesome calamity.

Thank you for taking your time. It is greatly appreciated.

Love always,

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." – William James

Only One Right Person - Joshua Harris

Only One Right Person - Joshua Harris

Sunday, August 7, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #16 + reflection

"Don't stand idly by; don't be silent. The price of standing for our freedom is standing up for the freedom of others."
- Barack Obama, UN assembly speech, September 23, 2010
What does it mean to stand up for our freedom by standing up for the freedom of others?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Brotherly love

Yes, we're blood related. Yes, we don't look alike. Yes, I love my brother.

Monday, August 1, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #15

"In fiction, the narrator is never to be confused with the author."

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day III (ii)

Here is a continuation from the earlier blog post I posted with respect to the mission trip, dated May 23, 2011. Oh, by the way, Happy 1st of August! It's Civic Holiday here in Canada, so we get a day off :-). The intention of this holiday is to 'not work', but on the contrary (as ever the case with me), I will be working on my essay. I hope everybody's been enjoying their long weekend.

Previous post: click here for pt. i
Part ii
Subsequently, we dropped by a plantation in Malanggaten. There were other miscellaneous crops estates, ranging from corn, wheat, etc. Our church intended to oversee their project, which was to build a plantation block house (I don't know what it's called in both English and Indonesian – maybe Gubuk Sawah? If anyone does, please do let me know). I just received confirmation from Ko Steven, saying that they have successfully built the house. I will try to ask for pictures, so I can post them here. In the mean time, here are the ones that we took:
Silly me! I must have forgotten to take a full-sized photo of the house by itself. I apologize.

For reference purposes, it is that house behind me (and the one in which I took this photo).

Saturday, July 30, 2011

On The Road

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
~ Isaiah 40:28-31

Friday, July 29, 2011

Clara Chung - Heartstrings

Hey baby, it's easy
to believe in you and me
The smiling, the laughing
It's comin' so easily

It's a funny thing, this love thing
It only falls into my arms
When I'm not looking for it at all

Hey baby, you're doing
All the things that make me
Sing sing sing sing sing sing
Untying these heartstrings
That I've been triple knotting

I wanna take it slow and that's okay with you
See, I'm finished making the same old mistakes
I won't let us fall

You put a smile
You put a smile on my heart
You put a smile
You put a smile on my heart
They're coming all undone
My heartstrings

Hey darling, see these wings?
They're not clipped anymore
I'm singing and shaking off
My silence with this voice

It's a funny thing, this love thing
You're always on the
Same page, same line, same letter
We're gonna go far

Though the fig tree does not bud...

I've figured out how to edit pictures and add text to them. Hiyahh!! Stay tuned for more :-).

RQ: Random Quote #14

"I love you every second of every minute in every hour, 365 times a year, everyday."
- God

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reading || Membaca membuka jendela dunia

Mere Christianity: one of my favourite books, by my favourite author.

The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
- Dr. Seuss

Psstt.. it's my 100th post :-). I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a comment or two. Thank you for being such wonderful readers, visitors, and even supporters that you are. I love you all!!

What Faith Sees · Max Lucado

What Faith Sees · Max Lucado

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day III (i)

Dear my lovely readers,
I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates on my mission trip series. I've been utterly (and honestly) busy with summer school, as it has kept me occupied for the past 3 hectic weeks. Right now I have a little time to transcribe the next entry from my diary onto the blog before I start doing some school work :-). Enjoy!

P.S. Because the entry for this particular day is quite lengthy, I didn't want to bombard you with you with an extensive post. On that note, I decided to divide it into 3 parts :-) and this is the first. Warning: this one is picture-heavy.

Jagalan, Surakarta
Monday, May 23, 2011
One of the things I've noticed from this trip is that with each day, there are more and more activities, hence more amazing experiences. Today we left the house at 7 in the morning and visited a Kindergarten school in Pucang Sawit, called Taman Kanak-Kanak Tunas Bangsa. The school is part of Nafiri Kasih Organization, which was founded and is now headed by Ibu Mary Hartanti. Because Ibu Mary is staying in Jakarta at the moment, the person who currently runs the school is Ibu Mary's sister, Bunda Herti. As the name suggests, this school only consists of two separate classes: a Junior and a Senior kindergarten class. I can't recall how many kids there were in total. When we arrived at the school, the kids were very excited to welcome their unexpected visitors. They were running around, just as kids their age would. The two groups were then combined into one big class for our presentation. Ka Ester shared an interactive story, Ka Elyda taught them a new song, and I had my allocation of teaching them a bit of English. Two kids stood out to me the most: Michael and Moris (unfortunately, I don't have a picture along with them :(). At this school, we distributed books and milk. There was a swarm of warmth sweeping us off our feet to see these kids so happy with what they received. Not to mention, they were bright students! Their English was surprisingly GREAT. They were able to answer me back in English. When we were about to leave, the kids set out to see us off and shook our hands. Some kids had even done it 3 times. I thought, how different the situation would be to that of the city! Rural kids sure know how to put a smile on our faces with their amiable presence and childish, yet genuine disposition.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Brian Littrell - In Christ Alone

Brian Littrell - In Christ Alone

In Christ alone will I glory,

Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I’ve been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I’ll overcome
Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand

In Christ alone
I place my trust
And find my glory
In the power of the cross
In every victory
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone

In Christ alone do I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
For only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
And now I seek no greater honor in just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What you sow, you will reap

You know, what never ceases to amaze me is the fact that "Karma" always comes back around. I know some of you may not believe in the whole notion of this Karma, just as much as I refuse to. But the bible explains something of a similar idea: The Law of Sowing and Reaping. Like farmers and gardeners, you reap what you sow. In this case, I'm specifically talking about actions. Most of you, my readers, know that when I write my blog posts, I try to be overtly honest. For this one particular entry, please be patient with me as I take you through a journey of my worst vice and iniquity I not-so-rarely commit. I must admit that I am ashamed to write about this, but I hope that this entry might be able to help those of you who are struggling with comparable situations.

Monday, July 11, 2011


My album (Psalm 108:1) is now available online at! If you haven't got the chance to procure it from me in person, you can click on the link and find it there :-). Don't worry, it's safe and trustworthy and you have my full guarantee that you will receive the product on time, unopened, unharmed! It costs CAD $9.99, 50% of the proceeds goes to church funding or any charity I've chosen to help (the mission trip is my current project. More info on this later). Feel free to check it out, even if you may not be interested in purchasing :-).

Thank you all for your time and support.

MUCH love always in HIM,
Hazel xx

Saturday, July 2, 2011

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day II

Jagalan, Surakarta
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I thought I had the strangest dream when I woke up this morning. I heard sounds I would perceive as the excruciating screams and cries of a man being possessed by a demon. It was tremendously audible from where I was sleeping in my pastor's room. Later on in the day I asked Kak Elyda (she and Kak Ester lived in this dormitory several years ago) what those sounds were and where they came from. She casually said they were the sounds of pigs being slaughtered. It would appear that there is a pig slaughterhouse situated right behind the building in which we are staying. Well, that uh... explains a lot.

The abattoir

This morning we were supposed to wake up at 4am for our daily morning prayer and devotions. However, my roommates and I misunderstood the given information and set our alarm to 4:30 instead, so we missed this morning's devotional meeting. The prayer is usually held inside the church, which is located upstairs. The only way to go upstairs is to first go outside, where the stairs are, through the front door. At 4:30, we found that the front door was already locked from the outside. To compensate for our negligence, the three of us did our own prayer and devotion session together in our room.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day I

After a long and patient wait, finally!!!!! I'm back in Canada now and I'm very sorry for all the pending. I thought I could have started this blog posting series back in June, but it turned out I was kept occupied by family matters and didn't have much time to sit down and post. SO, to all my loyal and faithful readers, I offer my huge apology. I was back in Canada 3 days ago, on June 27. It's been rather a [jet lagged] rest, but now I'm ready to start this mission series. The format is simple: I will be writing in a diary mode. I brought my favourite notebook with me on the trip and I wrote down everything every day for the 9 days that I was there. I may not reference what I've already mentioned in my earlier blog posts regarding the mission trip. If you have not read them already, here are the links (earliest-latest):
Indonesia: Pre-Mission Trip 2011 pt. I

Jagalan, Surakarta
Saturday May 21, 2011
At 22:06
We flew from Jakarta at 11:40 in the morning by Sriwijaya Air and arrived in Surakarta (Solo) at 12:55. The first thing I noticed when I got here is that Solo is much less crowded than Jakarta. But it's HOT, and I don't mean that figuratively. It was a scorching afternoon, as the sun played her joke on us. The other 3 people who came with me on this mission trip are Kak Ester, Kak Elyda, and Ko Steven. All three have a theological title: Evangelist, Junior Pastor, and Pastor, respectively. I surely felt a bit out of place being the only one with no title whatsoever, but I didn't let that stop me anyway. One of the pastors (whose name escaped my mind) fetched us from the airport, accompanied by the senior pastor, Pak Markuat ('Pak' means 'Mr.' in English). He drove us in a mini-bus type of car. I was humbled by his car - an old, beaten down, shoddy vehicle, whose machine clonked and clanked as it went, but it was able to carry us to our destination without a single scratch. OK, maybe the car was not completely beaten down, but it was definitely not your average car, accessorized with a radio and/or a functioning air conditioning system. In exchange for those, we got to indulge in the 'natural' Solo air.. and smell.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #13

"I would rather be unnoticed than to be associated with the boastful."

Monday, May 30, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #12

"You've placed this desire in my heart; You've led my heart to build this passion; and You've burned this passion to keep my flame ablaze."

RQ: Random Quote #11

"It's not about how much money you get, but how much of a difference you are making."

RQ: Random Quote #10

"For us, taking a break means redefining ourselves in The Centre before we can define ourselves in each other."



I'm finally back from my 9-day mission trip!! It was hands down the best and most amazing experience I've had in my life. I have so many interesting, tear-jerking, heart-wrenching stories to tell you! But first, please allow me to rest. My teammates and I departed from Surakarta (or Solo) at 5:40pm today, and we arrived in Jakarta one hour later. Our pick-up friend was an hour late, so I got to my aunt's house pretty late, as well. But praise the Lord, we made it back safe and sound without missing any limbs (hehe). I am completely restored, refreshed, rejuvenated! I'm ready to work hard and fulfill the undefinable will of God that's been laid out in front of me.
One VERY important lesson I've learned from this trip is that Jesus is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH bigger than any of our problems. Mathematically, it would look like this:
JESUS >>> our problems

Updates are coming up very soon! I just have to finish writing the entries in my diary first before I start posting them on here :-).

I've missed you all!! Much love always,
Hazel xx

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Indonesia: Pre-mission trip 2011 pt. III

I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been extremely busy in Indonesia, spending time with my family and traveling here and there. Also, I'm afflicted by what I like to call the typical Indonesian Dysfunctional Digestive Syndrome (or IDDS). My poor stomach has been very upset for the past 2 weeks, following my arrival in Indonesia. I've been swallowing countless digestive tablets and Norit (carbonated pills) to no avail. I'm sensing a slight burn in my gastric pouch as I'm typing this. Moving on.

Those who don't follow me on Twitter may not be aware that my mission trip has been pushed back to the 21st of May, which falls on a Saturday. We are coming back 9 days later, on the 30th. I believe we will be leaving by plane from Jakarta to Solo. We are having our first pre-trip meeting tomorrow, May 16. I will update you with more details as soon as possible. The theme I have been given to cover is "Relationship with God through music/songs". I'm still working on both the Power Point and written work, as I seem to work best under a lot of pressure.

I'm sorry to cut this brief post short. It is actually almost 2 o'clock in the morning (05/16) in Jakarta, so I need to get some sleep. No, it isn't my jet lag; I took a 3-hour nap at 2/3pm-ish today. I will keep my readers updated with what's going on with this mission trip.


Bonne nuit,
Hazel x

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hillsong United - Age To Age

You gave me hope
You made me whole
At the cross
You took my place
You showed me grace
At the cross
Where You died for me

And His glory appears
Like the light from the sun
Age to age He shines
Oh, look to the skies
Hear the angels cry
Singing, "Holy is the Lord"

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16

Saturday, April 23, 2011

RQ: Random Quote #8

"Jesus's birth was important, His death was meaningful; but if He did not rise from the grave, our faith would be pointless."

Happy Easter!!

In Him,
Hazel xo

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Indonesian Youth Band (IYB)

Some, if not most of you know that I'm in a band. It isn't just any band... it's the Indonesian Youth Band... in Toronto!!! The name is not something we're proud of, as we turned this into a private joke among the personnel. We're still on the prowl for a more sophisticated and professional name. Holler, should you have any suggestions. It's kind of very urgent (conscious grammatical error).
IYB, which was established in late 2009, is a heterogenous band. We do not represent one single church, but rather this band consists of members who belong to our respective churches, to promote the idea of being united under ONE heart of worship. The music we choose to cover varies from rock to gospel, even slow worship. Recently we have started to write and perform our original composition. The ultimate objective of our band is to unite all of the denominationally diverse Indonesian churches in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) through music, so that we could together praise and worship the Lord Jesus Christ as one culture, despite any principle differences. In addition to that, we accept invitations to perform on public venues for secular occasions. In September 2010, we were invited to perform at the Harbourfront Centre for a Vietnamese cultural event (alongside former members, Putri and Fehren). Apart from uniting the Indonesian churches in the GTA, our band also has a vision of being a channel for God to non-believers who are unfamiliar with Christian music.

This past Sunday, 17 April 2011, IYB was humbled to be given an opportunity to perform at Mississauga Baptist Church. We did 2 covers: "Lord You Are Good" (Israel Houghton) and "How He Loves Us" (Kim Walker); and one original song, "Technicolour", written by our very own David Siringo Ringo.

With this said, I'd like to introduce you to our 9 members.
David Siringo Ringo: Electric, Vocals
Phillip Bako: Bass, Vocals
Brian Rochilli: Lead electric
Hazel Theresia: Vocals, Acoustic
Jonathan Tjoandi: Drums, Music director
Nia Warouw: Vocals, Keyboard
Paul Siringo Ringo: Percussions, Drums
Alex TJ: Lead vocals
Fritz Chen: Lead keyboard/piano

On Sunday, we were joined by a special guest, Nando (pictured below), who helped us with the sound system. We hope to have you with us again the future!! :-) Unfortunately, due to conflicting issues, Fritz was unable to join us in this performance. Hopefully we'll have a full house next time, so I can show you all of the band members. In the meantime, here is a couple of pictures from Sunday.

Now for some SILLINESS!!! A little stereotyping won't hurt. This is what I perceive us as:
David Siringo Ringo: THE GENIUS
Phillip Bako: THE WISE MAN
Brian Rochilli: THE ROCK STAR
Hazel Theresia: THE HOSTESS
Jonathan Tjoandi: THE CHARMER
Paul Siringo Ringo: THE LIVELY ONE
Fritz Chen: THE M.I.A.!!!!!

Those in accordance with me say "Aye".

IYB in 2010 with former members Novy, Fehren, and Putri

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shopping for Indo gifts pt. I

Those of you who are curious (like me) and wondering what I bought today, here are some pictures. I am giving all of these away to my friends in Indonesia (except that rectangular block in a paper bag – that's Henna for my hair). LUSH and Victoria's Secret are two of my favourite brands. I love their products, they smell amazing and are of superb quality. Please be advised that these items are priceless. Whether you are getting a LUSH or Victoria's Secret product really doesn't matter. The appearance of the packaging does not account for my level of favour towards you. Some companies may have taken more time in perfecting their packaging for consumer appeal, but I honestly tell you that it does not matter. They're going to be disposed of when you're done with them anyway. I spent a long time picking out these products for you, so please accept and be grateful with what you are being given :-).

These are only some of the things I've bought. I'm pretty sure I'm still missing a few other people. I'll be crossing off the names I have written on my list once I go through each item. Enjoy, my lovelies!

Solid soaps
• Figs and Leaves
• Rock Star
• Ice Blue
• Sexy Peel
• Sultana of Soap
Shower Jellies
• Whoosh
• Sweetie Pie

From Victoria's Secret
Body Creams
• Indulgent Body Cream in Naked Musk
• Indulgent Body Cream in Warm Vanilla & Tempting Praline
• Indulgent Body Cream in Midnight Raspberry & Sexy Lily
Body Lotion
• Hydrating Body Lotion in Wild Scarlet
Body Washes
• Exhilarating Body Wash in Secret Charm
• Exhilarating Body Wash in Strawberry and Champagne
Body Mists
• PINK Sparkling Body Mist in Cool & Carefree
• PINK Sparkling Body Mist in Fresh & Clean

That's all for today. I'll be returning to Eaton Centre to pick up some more products for the people I've missed.

Love ya!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Personal Questionnaire (retake)

I took this exact same quiz almost 2 years ago. I'm going to do it again now and see how much the answers have changed! :-) Here is a link to the original post:

ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: For counseling, yes. For dating, nope.
B - BIRTHDAY: October 8, 1990
C - CRUSHING ON: As of now, I am crush-free.
F - FAVORITE SONG: Albertine by Brooke Fraser
H - HOMETOWN: Jakarta
J - JUGGLE: All the time
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Not that I know of..
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: To Philadelphia! (I forgot how many hours, though)
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Strawberry (still the same :))
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 younger, dearest brother <3
O - ONE WISH: ........................... :)
Is this an intentional trick?? Did they expect us to notice that Q is missing?
R- REASON TO SMILE: Something/someone makes me feel good
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Mykonos by Fleet Foxes
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Late (HAHA - same answer. FYI, I don't have class anymore!)
V - VEGETABLE(S): BROCCOLI, green beans, lettuce (YES, forever and always) <3 Love these greens.
W - WORST HABIT: Wasting time (O gosh, I have not changed)
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth and knee (I dislocated my kneecap in 2008)
Y - YOYOS ARE: Retractable?? -> smart

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Hzl
What color do you wear most?: I prefer and mostly wear neutral colours. Bright colours attract attention and I don't like attention.
Least favorite color? Yellow mellow
What are you listening to? My laptop fan
Are you happy with your life right now? YES
What is your favorite class in school? BREAK TIME! oops.. that's not even a class (LOL - not gonna change this answer)
When do you start back at school/college? I'm in school for the summer T_T (again, this year, after I come back from Indo)
Are you outgoing? Sometimes I can be!
Favorite pair of shoes? flats! They're so simple.. you can throw them on wherever and whenever. They never go out of style (I agree).
Where do you wish you were right now? In a warmer room. My bedroom is freezing.

Can you dance? I like to think so. I used to, though.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Haven't tried. I heard you're a good kisser if you can do it :P. Kinda curious to know.
Can you whistle? A LITTLE.
Write with both hands? Hmm.. I'm not ambidextrous.. but I can try.
Walk with your toes curled? Yes!!!! I curl my toes almost all the time, especially when I'm cooooold.

Do you believe there is life on other planets? Could be.
Do you believe in miracles? FO SHO!
Do you believe in magic? No, it's all tricks, dude. ALL tricks! Hahahaha.. I'm with a "magician" :P.
Love at first sight? NO. But when you were in kindergarten you probably did (^^).
Do you believe in Satan? I believe in the notion of his existence.
Do you believe in Santa? No, but I like the idea of him. He seems and sounds nice in movies.
Do you know how to swim? I used to take swimming lessons, but I'm nowhere near being a decent swimmer.
Do you like roller coasters? I LOVE 'EM!!
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? Oh my gosh, never will, ever!

Have you ever been on a plane? Of course.
Have you ever asked someone out? Ya.
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Ya.
Have you ever been to the ocean? The closest I ever got to is the beach, but I still love oceans :) (Would really love to go someday, though).
Have you ever painted your nails? My nails are painted right now!

What is the temperature outside? The forecast says it's around 4 degrees Celsius.
What was the last restaurant you ate at? Pho Hung (hahahaha.. they're both Pho restaurants!! Totally unplanned!)
What was the last thing you bought? Gosh, I have not gone shopping in forever! Which reminds me, I have to go buy stuff for my Indo friends).
What was the last thing on TV you watched? The Big Bang Theory.

Who was the last person you IM'd? Cimi.
Who was the last person you took a picture of? I last took a picture of my nails.
Who was the last person you said I love you to? EVERYBODY!!! I love you all =) (haha, I'm keeping this one)

Ever really cried your heart out: Ya ya ya
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex? Oui
Do you cry when you get an injury? Depends on how severe/painful it is.
Do certain songs make you cry? I mostly cry from hearing songs or watching videos.

Are you a happy person? Still am!
What can make you happy? Anything and anyone.. I guess :P.
Do you wish you were happier? Hmm.. I wish I could be a little more content with what I have and am given. Gratification = happiness.
Can music make you happy? Definitely.

How many times have you had your heart broken? Don't know. Never counted.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? Yes.

What is your current hair color?: Reddish brown
Current piercings?: Ear lobes
Have any tattoos?: Nope
Eye color?: Brown

Favorite eye color: Doesn't matter
Short or long hair: Short. Long hair seems greasy to me (still does. Yuck).
Height: At least 4" taller than me :-)
Best clothing: As long as it "makes sense" (--> yup hahaha. It could be a bit subjective on my part, though)

Been to jail: No
Ran away from home: No
Laughed so hard you cried: YES
Cried in school: Ya
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: MAYBE o_O
Gone skinny dipping: No, I think I'd catch a cold instantly.

Pepsi or Coke: I like Coke Zero because it isn't too sweet.
McDonald's or Burger King: Perhaps McDonald's (I've digressed)
Single or Group Dates: Single dates are more romantic and personal, while group dates are FUN!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. Too much of vanilla makes me sick. Having too much chocolate doesn't do that to me.
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries (changed my preferences)
Meat or Veggies: Poultry (yes! Haha)
TV or Movie: TV (I love Korean dramas, Grey's Anatomy, and The Big Bang Theory)
Guitar or Drums?: Drums (oh, bias)
Adidas or Nike: LULULEMON!!!!!!
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican, because I love tacos! I said pitas in my previous answer, but I've found out that pitas are in fact, Greek food, not Mexican.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Still Cheerios.
Cake or Pie: Depends
MTV or VH1: MTV because I have no clue as to what VH1 is

RQ: Random Quote #7

"Quitters may find temporary bliss to their immediate end, but they will never indulge in the pleasure of pure success."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

God's Grace: My testimony

I have never considered myself "rich". My family has never had any surplus of money that we could lavishly spend on ourselves. Our finance has always been marginally sufficient to provide for our family's needs until this present day. In this blog post, I intend to tell you a story of my own life experience. Sometimes in the midst of various simultaneous occurrences, we may not be paying attention to what is going on. It is as if we are getting by in a breeze without truly realizing what is happening around us – to us. At least that's what it was like with me. So now I'd just like to take the next several hours to write and reminisce on my past.

I'm going to first describe my family's background in Canada, from the time before we got here up to our current life. I can barely recall the exact situation(s), but here is how the story goes. Warning: what you are about to read is a true story, not a mere fabrication.

Jakarta. It was the morning of a summer month, sometime in 2002 (sorry for my lack of memory). I remember getting myself ready in a pretty, classy-girl-type purple dress with matching shoes. My parents were anxious to get my brother and I to appear as sophisticated as possible. In spite of my parents' obvious agitation, I couldn't care less to know where we were going. My parents spoke of a very important interview we had to attend, but all I knew was how important it was for us to make it to the place on time, as the person we had an appointment with would not like it if we came late. Mind you, I was eleven and my brother was only seven years old. We were moody and upset with all the morning ruckus that had interrupted our good night sleep.

RQ: Random Quote #6

"Hard work brings success. Success brings title. Title brings prestige. Prestige brings respect."
Moral: one must work hard to gain respect.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Floral dress photo

I love this dress! I borrowed it from a good friend of mine for my album photoshoot. The dress is custom made, apparently. My friend's female cousins all have the same one for a huge anniversary celebration or something. Thank you, Juvira for lending it to me!! Hehe..

For your information, this is one of the pictures featured in my album. I recently put it up on Twitter as my profile picture, but I got a bit self-conscious seeing my face plastered there, so I decided to post it here on my blog instead (for those of you who missed it and don't know what I'm babbling about on Twitter) :-). The reason why I'm putting it up is because I LOVE this picture! I love everything about it – the colours, the background, the effects, etc. (with the exception of my face). The photo was taken by one of my friends, Irene, in Indonesia. She's an amazing photographer, by the way! For a student, she had the skills of a professional.

I apologize for this very random post. It was only supposed to be a diversion from my dissatisfaction.

Bonne nuit, tout le monde.

YouTube Channel

Nervous.. but I now present you,

I sound super lame, I know. I have no idea what got into me today, but I felt like making a channel for my album (and to promote it as well). So, here it is! Just to warn you, though, it is extremely unprofessional (because I'm the one who set it up). Please bear with it until I find a willing friend to design it.

Thanks for checking it out, my lovelies :-).

RQ: Random Quote #5

"You know you've done something right when the person you love tells you, 'You've changed me.'"

Indonesia: Pre-mission trip 2011 pt. II

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming!! Here is the countdown till my summer mission :-) (I would manually count it myself, but since I'm terribly awful at Math, I'm not even going to try.)

Due date: May 15, 2011

I am excited. I don't know what else I can say or feel. This is going to be my first-ever bona fide mission trip. When I was 9 or 10 years old, I went on "ministry trips" to the rural areas of East and Central Java. I consider them ministry rather than mission trips because I was simply going around singing at the local churches there, but didn't do any preaching, evangelizing, and/or community service whatsoever. This time it'll be different because I've been asked to share a little bit of my testimony, to sing, and to speak and lead the youth. From what I was told, we are also going deep into several different villages to serve the people there, while testifying our faith to them. There's only about a month left before I rock it, but I still haven't prepared my speeches and whatnot (I'm definitely bringing my flashcard pack everywhere!). Hopefully my prayers will be answered in a swarm of inspiration for the next 2 weeks or so. I can already feel that this is going to be a ground-breaking, life-changing experience for me. It's what I've been waiting to do all my life. God is finally using me to live out my passion and do something outside my comfort zone for the good of others. Those of you who know me, follow me on Twitter, or read my blog probably know how passionate I am to be involved in charity work. Well, guess what? My dream is coming true! What I can do now is to just view the upcoming few weeks in optimism (as I'm finishing my third year of university), get myself ready, and trust in HIS power. Only His hand can get me through each step of life.

Your prayers are crucial. I'm asking every one of you to please pray for our team, the people, and God's work in this operation. May it be as fruitful as a fertile mother and produce as many offspring of love as God desires.

Love in Christ,
Hazel Theresia

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Superchic[k] - Beauty From Pain

Beauty From Pain by Superchic[k]

The lights go out all around me
One last candle to keep out the night
And then the darkness surrounds me
I know I'm alive
But I feel like I died
And all that's left is to accept that it's over
My dreams ran like sand through the fists that I made
I try to keep warm but I just grow colder
I feel like I'm slipping away

After all this has passed
I still will remain
After I've cried my last
There'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today
Someday I'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain

My whole world is the pain inside me
The best I can do is just get through the day
When life before is only a memory
I wonder why God lets me walk through this place
And though I can't understand why this happened
I know that I will when I look back someday
And see how you've brought beauty from ashes
And made me as gold purified through these flames

Here I am at the end of me
Trying to hold to what I can't see
I forgot how to hope
This night's been so long
I cling to your promise
There will be a dawn

After all this has passed
I still will remain
After I've cried my last
There'll be beauty from pain
Though it won't be today
Someday I'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain