Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily Gratitude: Nov. 5, 2012

Today I'm thankful for:

1. A warm bed for me to sleep and dream in. FYI, I slept for more than 10 hours today, so a warm bed on a day like this is very crucial.
2. BlackBerry Messenger – to make communication easier for two people who are currently in different parts of the country at the moment.
3. Taco Bell. Just..


P.S. Tomorrow onwards I'll be blogging about this on my Twitter (@hazeltheresia).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daily Gratitude: Nov. 4, 2012

I'm starting a new series called "Daily Gratitude" where I post on a daily basis, 3 random things I'm grateful for, to serve as a constant reminder that there is always something to be thankful for everyday. I challenge all of my blog readers and buddies to tweet or post your list of appreciation everyday!

November 4, 2012

Today Hazel is thankful for...

1. A brand new day, a brand new chance, and brand new forgiveness.
2. A hot, spicy bowl of Nong Shim ramyun to satisfy a ferocious belly on a chilly autumn day when there is no other food in the kitchen.
3. Photoshop CS4 – its dual-function capability as a medium for creativity and a friend on a lonely afternoon.

What are you thankful for today?

Scrapbook Sunday!

Something I did in my spare time... Looking forward to make more! :-)

Thank you Shabby Princess and Sahlin Studio for the props.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NARUKO Skin Care Review: Rose & Snow Fungus

Hi everyone, today's post will be very different in nature from my typical blog posts. I will be starting a series of skin care reviews by a Taiwanese brand called NARUKO. If you are not familiar with the brand and would like to know more about it, visit this website. Due to Naruko's wide range of skin care lines (suited to the needs of every skin type), I am dividing my review into four parts – one at a time, according to each line. Also, I will only be reviewing the products that I have tried/am trying at present. Kindly note that this is not a mere attempt to endorse their products for the sake of receiving compensations. With that said, I am in no way affiliated with Naruko, nor am I getting paid to do these reviews. Without further ado, let's get to it (after you make this jump vv).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day VIII

May 28, 2011
Jagalan, Surakarta
I am a very curious person. When curiosity strikes my conscience, most of the time following through becomes compulsive. That is what happened to me today. This morning I braced myself to actually visit the slaughterhouse in the flesh. I had been waiting to do this since the second day I got here (because on the first day, I arrived after they had finished butchering the pigs). I hope my photo-taking skills were subtle enough as not to have offended the workers there. The experience was more emotional and psychological rather than physical. But of course, I dared not making any tangible contact with the animal's dreary and gruesome remains. Still, my insides were churning as I allowed my mind to conceptualize the notion of consuming this animal as tonight's dinner, and the fact that back in Canada, I had been indulging in the scrumptious, mouthwatering tang of this animal in the form of a succulent rack of BBQ Baby Back Ribs. Now it has definitely given me the heebie jeebies. Here are some visuals to feed your lingering curiosity. May I warn those devout pork-eaters, however, that after seeing these pictures, you might not be as big of fans of pork anymore (or not, if you've got "less of a heart" for "that kind of stuff"). Proceed at your own discretion.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day VII

May 27, 2011
Jagalan, Surakarta
This morning, the pigs were yet again, screaming at the top of their lungs, ruthlessly and endlessly crying for mercy (if you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to the post here). 

It was Kak Ester and Kak Elyda's turn to present at today's seminar. Their topic was Children's Ministry. Kak Ester did the first half and Kak Elyda took the second. Their presentation was highly interactive and fairly engaging! We got to do a really neat tie-dye artwork nearing the end.

RQ: Random Quote #29

About responsibility
"Much is expected from those to whom much is given."
– C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity 

How to Save Money

I wrote this a while back and recently re-discovered it in my diary. I hope it helps a slight bit :-).

By yours truly

If you want to save money, first you need to create some D-R-A-M-A.

D: Determine
• Only buy what you need, not what you want.
R: Resist (discipline)
• Resist the urge/temptation to make an unnecessary purchase.
A: Ask yourself (reflection)
• Is this an investment? Is it worth the purchase?
M: Measure
• Verify the quality and lasting power; shelf life.
A: Analyze
• Examine your  previous "shopping experiences; what you learned along the way––what you did and should have/not have done.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BlogShare: Raviolis & Waterworks: AskJax: How to Distract Your Mind from Worry

Just wanted to share a blog post from one of the most recent bloggers I'm following. Enjoy! :-)

Raviolis & Waterworks: AskJax: How to Distract Your Mind from Worry: I recently received an e-mail from a reader that has anxiety. They asked me to share some ideas that I had  for getting the demons out o...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

DongHaeng Flash: Footprints

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." ~ Deuteronomy 31:6


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

INDONESIA: Mission Trip 2011 Day VI

May 26, 2011
Jagalan, Surakarta
I gave a 2-part, 2-hour lecture today at STT AIMI (School of Theology). I had not fully finished my PowerPoint presentation, so last night I had to stay up later and woke up later to finish it. As an unfortunate consequence, I missed my daily morning devotions today. Anyway, I was fairly nervous to give my lecture, as I had never done anything alike in my life. My seminar series was entitled "Relationship With God Through Songs". And yes, the whole thing was successfully conducted in Indonesian (praise the Lord), even though there were a few glitches here and there with the vocabulary (I promise I'm still a native speaker!). But overall, the students very receptive and welcoming to what I had to say. Whenever I struggled with some of the Indonesian words in the middle of the lecture, the students would always help me figure out the right words – their English was surprisingly good! And they were hilarious!! Because of this, I had such fun and greatly enjoyed leading the seminar, and the whole 2 hours of lecture went by in a breeze! It was more of a casual lecture as opposed to a formal one, which was better for me because I had been worried that I would bore the students to sleep (typical me).

RQ: Random Quote #28

"Trust is buildable, respect is often earned, and love is always a choice."
- HTL 

Monday, June 18, 2012

10 beauty habits I need to improve on

  1. Getting sufficient sleep every night. I NEVER do this. I don't even think I have ever slept at night....
  2. Drinking 2 litres of water everyday. I only drink approximately half of the recommended amount at most.
  3. Getting enough nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables for beautiful skin. Well, that obviously explains why I currently do not have beautiful skin.
  4. Exercising regularly. I am probably at the most unfit state of my life at the moment.
  5. Having a controlled, healthy diet. My customary diet consists only of 2 meals: lunch and dinner. More often than not, they are not done at the appropriate times. On some days I would go for lunch at noon and on other days, I would eat at 3 in the afternoon, followed by random snacks and then dinner at 9:30PM (or 10, whenever I feel hungry). I might even skip dinner on the days I don't have an appetite. I know, totally guilty.
  6. Minimizing junk food consumption. I am an all-about-junk food person (on the exception of McDonald's!). I love poutine and fries, chips, cakes, candies..... the list could go on endlessly.
  7. Showering early. I never shower before midnight (or 1 in the morning, that is), which leads to the lack of beauty sleep.
  8. Sticking to a particular brand of skin care products. I liked to switch things around because I had heard that it is a good thing, since your skin becomes acclimatized to the 'regular' products overtime – which renders them ineffective. So far as my experience goes, this has not been proven true. My skin still breaks out from foreign or excessive products I put on my face, notwithstanding how long I have been using them.
  9. Removing makeup immediately after long hours of wear. I would put on my makeup every morning when I'm about to go out, maybe around 10AM - 12PM and wait to remove it until I shower, which would be around 1 or 2 in the morning on good days. At the closing of the day, it comes down to roughly over 13 hours of makeup-wearing. I don't know how long makeup could be allowed to stay on your face, but keeping your makeup that long everyday definitely does not contribute to having healthy skin.
  10. Smiling more, frowning less. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. This is something I need to keep working on every time!

There goes my list of the current beauty habits that I need to improve on. What are your beauty habits? Do share your thoughts!

Stay beautiful,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

RQ: Random Quote #27

"If you give up every time you don't achieve the immediate gain you want, you're just guaranteeing that the worst is going to happen."  

– Noam Chomsky, Imperial Ambitions (on abolitionism)

HE is the drive behind all

The following excerpt is taken from C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity.

Image from Flickr, personally edited. No copyright infringement intended.

"'Niceness – wholesome, integrated personality – is an excellent thing. We must try by every medical, educational, economic, and political means in our power to produce a world where as many people as possible grow up 'nice'; just as we must try to produce a world where all have plenty to eat. But we must not suppose that even if we succeeded in making everyone nice we should have saved their souls. A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world – and might even be more difficult to save."

God is the drive, OUR drive behind any moral goodness. Without Him, what are we supposed to be? What is human nature in its fundamental sense?

Experimenting with culinary arts

Hi everyone! In this blog post, I am featuring some of the dishes that I've tried [eating] and covered [cooking]. The homemade ones were done by me and my super talented teammate of a best friend/partner. Please note that these pictures are not specified in chronological order. Frankly, I can't even recall when or how long ago these pictures were taken, hence my credible excuse for not remembering the name of a particular dish.

Click on the link below for descriptions!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Oscar Wilde once said...

"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." 
– Oscar Wilde

These are the books I'm going to start reading interchangeably:
• "Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie
• "It's Not an All Night Fair" by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
• "Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post-9/11 World" by Noam Chomsky

If any of you have ever read any of the above books, feel free to share with me, as this is my first time exploring the works of the aforementioned authors!

From my love of reading to yours,

Styles a la Polyvore

Here are some of the style sets I've put together on Polyvore. Enjoy!

Happy styling,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

RQ: Random Quote #26

"Language is courage: the ability to conceive a thought, to speak it, and by doing so to make it true." 

– Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses

Intro to Beauty

Hello everybody,

The generic, apologetic opening paragraph: I'm sorry for being M.I.A. for almost 2 months! Has it been that long?? I was finishing up my exams at the end of April, and by mid-June, I was already starting summer school, which will go on until August. Yes, I am staying in school for another year – what did I tell you about my love of learning?! Actually, I was missing a few required credits to graduate, so here I am back in school for another semester. I have to admit, though, I do envy my friends who have received/are receiving their framed diplomas. And I sure am anxious to jump into that traditional scholarly ensemble of cap and cloak.
Saving that up for next year....

From the title of this post, perhaps you could already guess what this post is about. I am starting a new genre on this blog, that being Beauty. Because I am passionate about promoting the idea of internal and external beauty, I thought I'd share with my readers my beauty secrets that I live by. Beauty in this sense may include fashion, makeup, and even health. I hope this change could spice up my dull and boring blog a little bit. To all my readers, thank you for your support and sticking by me. It really means a lot.

Beauty posts coming up soon.

Love God, love people,

June 14, 2012

Image from Flickr, personally edited. No copyright infringement intended.

Dear patient and loyal readers,

I'm sorry for the long and unnotified hiatus. I will be back very soon.


Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm making this blog private and viewable ONLY to Blogger owners/authors for some time. There seems to have been many spam viewers these days...


Thursday, April 19, 2012

RQ: Random Quote #25

"I need a little shopping mistake to help me carry on."

**Procured in a dream**

When The Night

Image from Flickr, personally edited. No copyright infringement intended.

Sweet, quick reverie, 
Hope –– words first come.
My pleasure, architectured
Dream, desire, defier
Sincerely, arbitrary
My pain, alive. 
This moment
Gone. Long and lost.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Raid: Redemption: Salvation

On Good Friday last week, my church friends and I went to see the new, internationally acclaimed Indonesian action film, The Raid: Redemption. This blog entry, despite of its title, is not meant to review the movie. Then again, I would not want to be spoiling any juice to anyone who is planning to see it.
Following the movie, we made our way to a nearby bubble tea place to calm down the mood after such a ________ (fill in the blank) movie.

The clock already struck past 12 when we decided to end our exuberant rendezvous. In the middle of our conversation about this behind-kicking movie as we were stepping outside onto the walkway, a mid-age lady came to approach us. It was a particularly cold night in April (thanks to Canada's obscure weather changes). Her voice slightly stammered when she asked us if we had any change to spare. Here is where the controversy may surface to some of you.

I'm not one to easily give change to homeless people because I don't know what they would turn the money into. However, are we still right to judge them for that? Second, opening my wallet in public, especially in front of a homeless person who is begging for change was and is never my favourite thing to do. My mind would generate cynical thoughts and convince my consideration to believe that this pitiful solicitation is a solely staged attempt to mug an innocent passerby like me. Please. Are we still right to judge them on this?

That night was different. I was different. When the person came to us for change, one of my friends was the first one to react. He reached into his pocket and gave her what she wanted. Initially, I was hesitant as to whether I should do the same. From what I could remember, I had used up all of my coins to buy food the few days prior. But instead, I dug into my purse, took out my gigantic red wallet and peered into it. I detected a $5, $10, and $20 bill before slipping the $10 into her hand. As I was handing it to her, I challenged my friends aloud – in Indonesian, of course – to pray for her together with me. None of them budged. They all stood motionlessly while staring at me in pure confusion. Knowing that I was the only one who was up for this, I gathered the remaining courage in my system and asked her if she would like to be prayed for. Much to our relief, she gladly accepted the offer! And so the prayer team, which consisted of me, JT, and his brother Justin, went ahead and did our thing. Her name was Shanna (spelling is likely to be wrong).

A fairly similar occurrence happened 2 years ago in 2010, as I was leaving the Indonesian Consulate building. Everything went down comparably accurate, except their names (the other person's name was Stella – read her story here), location of the incident, and the amount of $$ being given. JT half-jokingly suggested that they could be the same person, but I do not reckon they are. Even if they were, she must have gone through a major plastic surgery to change her looks.

When it was over, I wondered how two very similar incidents could happen to me within the span of less than 2 years. I told myself I could have given her the $20 bill instead. I mean, if she really were to use the money for purposes other than those alongside food and/or clothing, so what? We're feeding her poison? I realized it is not the value, but the thought that counts – and not anybody else's thoughts, but our own. My thought says so long as she could afford to buy something to keep her stomach full throughout a cold spring night, it would not matter how much money we give her. If she did not wish to spend the money on these things, but rather on something detrimental to her health, who are we to judge? We did not know this. We would not be able to assume or deem our irresolute assumptions to be correct without a basis of fixed certainty. The least we could do is to keep our positive thoughts out of the gutter.

I am not trying to go against the gospel of Matthew – precisely Matt 6:3-4, which reads, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing..." This post is simply a reminder and encouragement to all of us who often have second thoughts when making decisions. I have learned that some actions do not require any further thoughts. Just do what you have to – and surely, do so wisely. The reason why I believe this is because wisdom does not always equal to prolonged judgment. On the contrary, sometimes the more you think, the greater the chances that logistical rationalization would defeat preliminary thoughts, which could have well flourished out of your inherent wisdom. Like many of you, my faith in humanity is not lost. We could see that altruism still very well exists in our world and all around us if we would only look deeper.

I am thankful for Shanna. I am thankful that she came to us in her helpless state, humbly asking for a spare of change, regardless of what she was intending to spend it on. Most importantly, I am thankful that we had the opportunity to pray for her, with her. She was very kind and open-hearted. It undoubtedly is nice to meet people who are not hostile toward Christians. I pray that she would always remember how much she is loved; no matter what state of her life she is in – God is always on her side. And I pray that her brief encounter with us has introduced her to a path, which will lead her to God's promised destination that is eternal salvation.

With lots o' love,

HTML/Photoshop junkie

That's what I [still] am! I am a straight up Photoshop and HTML junkie. Give me those two things and I'll be on my way to what I like to call Geekidise. I literally spent the whole day putting together this 'other' new layout. I know I just had a new one up less than 48 hours ago.. but when I kept going back to it, I realized it was very plain. A few hours later, I found myself scrambling over thousands and thousands of vintage graphics. That's when it hit me: I LOVE VINTAGE GRAPHICS. The inspiration to create a collage-kind-of layout out of vintage images dawned on me when I was browsing through some really awesome Blogger template websites. I immediately installed Adobe Photoshop and the rest was history.

Now that I'm securely equipped with my trusty Adobe Photoshop CS4 and some leftover basic HTML skills from a few years back, you can expect me to be churning out random miscellaneous dood-a-lee dood-a-loo's once in a while (or twice a week, depending on my schedule, really).

For those of you who might be interested in creating your own layouts, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be more than delighted to help you :-).

That should be all I have to say at the moment. Maybe I'll do these teeny updates more frequently.
Meanwhile, I'm yet again, still awake at the wee hours of the morning.................. (x,x) => not a mathematical functions figure

Stay healthy, safe, and have a great Sunday,

Friday, April 13, 2012


I hereby present to you a new layout for this blog! I thought the last one had a little too much touch of pink, so I hope this one compensates. Since I am using "exceptional" fonts, I'd suppose only the more advanced browsers (ie. Chrome, Safari, certain versions of Explorer, and maybe Firefox?) could view this blog as is. Old browser users might have to manage with whatever shows up on their screens. Anyhow, I'm still not sure if that truly is the case.

I will continue my Mission series posts, perhaps later this week because I have an exam coming up on Monday.

Next, with the aim of clearing up some questions and misunderstandings, I'd like to point out that "HTL" stands for Hazel Theresia L. (Hazel, my first name; Theresia, my middle; and L, being the first letter of my last name). If you have been following my blog for a long time, and are a loyal reader, you would have noticed these three letters stamped on some of the quotes I often feature here. Indeed, these quotes were written by yours truly. The reason for this seemingly unnecessary elaboration is to let my readers know that they are my original quotes – originally written and thought out by me. I have observed a few people on their attempts of searching up fragments of my quotes on Google (it shows up on my stats record :-)), only to be directed to this blog. So, there you go.
By no means am I forbidding you from posting my quotes on your personal blog. On the contrary, I am utterly flattered to have my posts be featured on your blog, Twitter, or whatever else. With that said, I thank you for helping me to share and spread the word! :-)

Enough rambling on now, I shall see you all on the 'flip' side, as they call it. Love God, love people.

**And please remember to VOTE on the poll right beside this column =>. I am incredibly curious as to how people ended up on my blog – which, what we all know, is the ultimate middle of nowhere. Thanks!!**

***EDIT: I am 75 more views away from 5,000!!!! I thank every visitor who has visited my blog, be it from a mere click or friendly referral. I will be sure to reward the 5,000th viewer with something very special :-). If you are interested to receive it, drop a comment on my most recent post (at 5,000th view), or on Chatbox, which is located at the side panel of this blog :-). FYI, it won't be anything bizarre like a car, apartment key, or anything else along the lines of monetary reimbursements. Please look forward to it, but I would not suggest you to get your hopes up! *wink*


Friday, April 6, 2012

BlogShare: It's Almost Naptime!!: Better me than you

Sharing with you a blog post from one of the blogs I'm following. Enjoy and be blessed :-).

Have a blessed and lovely Good Friday,

It's Almost Naptime!!: Better me than you: Because I am barefoot 99% of the time, and because we aren't the neatest house on the block, the incident of stepping on sharp, pointy ...