Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quiz from Feby

It's 4:00am and I am bored.

ABC About You Questions:
B - BIRTHDAY: Oct. 8
C - CRUSHING ON: Aspirin tablets!
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: water, i believe
F - FAVORITE SONG: i don't only have one..
H - HOMETOWN: Jakarta
J - JUGGLE: sometimes
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: don't remember
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 younger, dearest brother <3
O - ONE WISH: ........................... :)
R- REASON TO SMILE: 'cause everything gets better when you smile..
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: "That Day" by Natalie Imbruglia
V - VEGETABLE(S): BROCCOLI, green beans, lettuce
W - WORST HABIT: wasting time
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: teeth, knee
Y - YOYOS ARE: retractable??

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Hzl
What color do you wear most?: almost every colour
Least favorite color? yellow.. =P
What are you listening to? the night wind
Are you happy with your life right now? ooohhh yeaaahhhh.. =) always have been, always will be
What is your favorite class in school? BREAK TIME! oops.. that's not even a class
When do you start back at school/college? i'm in school for the summer T_T
Are you outgoing? depends
Favorite pair of shoes? flats! They're so simple.. you can throw them on wherever and whenever. They never go out of style
Where do you wish you were right now? I'm already where I want to be

Can you dance? I'd like to think so. I used to, though
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? No
Can you whistle? a LITTLE.
Write with both hands? hmm.. I'm not ambidextrous.. but I can try
Walk with your toes curled? sometimes yes! and also when i'm sitting down =D

Do you believe there is life on other planets? my knowledge hasn't come that far
Do you believe in miracles? YES
Do you believe in magic? naahh..
Love at first sight? NO. But when you were in kindergarten you probably did..
Do you believe in Satan? I believe in the notion of his existence
Do you believe in Santa? No, I'm past kindergarten :P
Do you know how to swim? I used to take swimming lessons.. but I'm not a decent swimmer
Do you like roller coasters? YES YES YES, AND YES!!! need I say more?
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? probably not.

Have you ever been on a plane? how do you think i got to Canada??
Have you ever asked someone out? to a casual hangout, yes; to a date, no
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Y
Have you ever been to the ocean? the closest i ever got to is a beach.. but i still love oceans :)
Have you ever painted your nails? PSHT.. obviously

What is the temperature outside? don't know.. but it's kind of chilly in my room
What was the last restaurant you ate at? hmm... Pho Dau Bo?
What was the last thing you bought? i seriously don't remember
What was the last thing on TV you watched? a scene from the old "Friday the 13th" at Myra's

Who was the last person you IM'd? Fiona
Who was the last person you took a picture of? lil' Rachel! haha
Who was the last person you said I love you to? EVERYBODY!!! I love you all =)

Ever really cried your heart out: come on.. i'm a girl
Ever cried yourself to sleep? yeshh
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? hmmm.... physically, i don't remember
Ever cried over the opposite sex? of course!
Do you cry when you get an injury? depends on how severe it is
Do certain songs make you cry? i'm a very emotional person, you know

Are you a happy person? YEAAAHHHH!!! :D:D
What can make you happy? anything and anyone ^,^
Do you wish you were happier? sure..
Can music make you happy? certainly!

How many times have you had your heart broken? this is getting personal..
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? like Jesus?

What is your current hair color?: black
Current piercings?: ear lobes
Have any tattoos?: naah..
Eye color?: dark brown

Favorite eye color: doesn't matter
Short or long hair: short. long hair seems greasy to me :P
Height: at least 4" taller than me muahahaha
Best clothing: as long as it "makes sense"

Been to jail: nope
Ran away from home: nope
Laughed so hard you cried: HAHA yes
Cried in school: uhuh
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: MAYBE.. o_O
Gone skinny dipping: no.. lol although i think that idea is pretty funny

Pepsi or Coke: what's the difference??
McDonald's or Burger King: in case of an emergency, Burger King!
Single or Group Dates: depends..
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: blueberries
Meat or Veggies: poultry (haha)
TV or Movie: hard choice..
Guitar or Drums?: guitar =)
Adidas or Nike: *_*
Chinese or Mexican: food-wise?? i like tacos & pitas =9 Chinese food is a bit too conventional for me, since I'm already Asian anyway
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: CHEERIOS FTW
Cake or Pie: depends
MTV or VH1: neither

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Waiting in patience *UPdated*

Just about a couple of days ago, I was prepping to post about patience. Little did I know, long story short, let's just say now is the perfect time to do so.

It never ceases to amaze me how awesome and glorious our God truly is. You may think that whenever you feel distant from him, He's not there.. like he's somewhere up in the air, far away from you. When in fact, He never leaves your side. He's inside your heart. That's how it is and that's how it's going to be for the rest of your lives. For me, Jesus is the ONE person who understands me most thoroughly. He knows me like no other person would. Even before I utter my deepest desires, he already knows what I want, what I long for.

Many times, my faith has been put to the test. And out of brutal honesty I dare to say that it is not by my works and what I've done that I'm still standing where I am. Our God is a faithful and loving God whose grace and mercy never stop pouring. He always takes me back into his loving arms, despite the number of times I've ignored his voice. He simply
n e v e r
s t o p s
c h a s i n g
m e.
I can't ask for more in my life. He's my ultimate wholeness. He's the most essential component of my life.. and he certainly IS the pivotal destination I'm running towards.

Sorry, I seem to have digressed more than I should.

We, as humans, possess a nature of being anxious and overly eager to have something we want.. and we want it NOW. "If we don't get it now, then forget about it." When we don't get what we want, we tend to give up on it and as a result, we miss out on the sublime outcome that may spring up from waiting.
In relationship cases, for example, there are couples who grow impatient with quarrels and end up breaking up in the most painful ways. Maybe they're not meant to be.. sure, but instead of looking onward to the beautiful friendship they could have created, they've produced more enemies for each other. You know, not all disagreements have to end in pain. I believe they were created so that we could love and understand one another better.
There are also couple-to-be's who become restive because "the time" still has yet to come. Again, they rush things; at length, things fall apart.

For you singles out there who are yet to be met with your helper/spouse, be patient. I'm speaking for myself as well, so I know exactly how it feels to wait.. especially when time drags on and on and on. Been there. Through that. But during that period of time, that's when I got to immaculately feel His presence.. know His love.. know MY love for HIM. Why? Because when there's nobody else to focus on except God, it's like.. indescribably beautiful. Your utmost attention is paid to Him. Your love stays undivided for Him. Your time will be devoted just for Him. What a wonderful, peaceful life with Your Creator. I long for this more than words can say.

RUSH. Is it necessary? God has made everything beautiful at its own time (Ecc. 3:11), which means everything has been set to happen whenever God has set it to be. So why are we rushing?? Are we trying to control our life, or are we letting God reign in every aspect of it? First of all.. God is God and this life that we have is entirely His (as we have been given the opportunity to borrow it from Him). Who are we trying to take control of it???
Secondly, our lives have been planned by the creator (Jeremiah 29:11). God says that He has planned our lives to prosper us. What more can we ask from that?

When we become too focused on one thing, we tend to forget about all the other ones. Most importantly, our paramount attention should be on God, the author of life. If He hasn't answered our prayers, it doesn't mean that he doesn't hear or care about you. Nor is he busy with "other things". He simply wants to train you and test your patience with Him. While worldly things wear us down, focusing on our Loving Father is not an option. He loves us more than his own life. He considers us more precious than ANYTHING at all. So when that time comes where we have to wait, think of it as this:
"Sometimes God says, 'Wait'. When He does, His intent is always that He would become more precious to you during the waiting than if he had said 'Yes' immediately." -- Unknown

I don't know with you, but for me, I'd rather wait on the Lord until he gives me a green light. I would rather take more time to delight in the beauty of waiting than to rush and fast forward everything that's been offered for me to enjoy. Besides, if we wait for Him, we find favour from the Lord and whatever it is we may be waiting for, will be greatly blessed. Hence, HAPPINESS EVER AFTER =).

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." ~ Psalm 27:14

Take care all,
xoxo Hazel

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hillsong United - Rest in You

Your faithfulness endures always
Where mountains fall and reason fails
And You calm the raging seas
And You calm the storms in me, again

All I know is I find rest in You
All I know is I find rest in You

My heart will praise throughout the night
Where singing seems a sacrifice
Your grace is all I need
Your grace is all I need

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
~ Matthew 24:35