Monday, June 21, 2010


... Because I'm BORED.

I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time. I won't waste time.

Picture source:

Must not waste any.

Life is about choices

Picture source:

Have a great day, lovelies!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


This perfectly describes my dad :-). Love ya, daddy!!
Picture source: Google Images

John Wooden's 7-point creed

Picture source: Google Images

  1. Be true to yourself.
  2. Make each day your masterpiece.
  3. Help others.
  4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
  5. Make friendship a fine art.
  6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.
  7. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.

R.I.P. John Wooden (October 14, 1910 - June 4, 2010) => My new hero.

Let's start this over

Hey y'all. It's been a while since I posted entries on a regular basis and I suddenly felt the urge to resume blogging! Expect a personal entry from me one of these days. Since summer school is almost done, I'll have lots of time dreaming and writing those aspirations out on this blog. I don't promise, however, that I will be constantly updating due to lack of inspiration and whatnot (haha).

In the meantime, I have a Twitter account: @hazeltheresia.

I know this whole concept of Twitter is kind of vain or conceited or whatever to some people, but I'm sort of an extrovert, so I like to share my feelings and ideas aloud. And I must note Twitter as a means of communication. It is quite an effective tool to raise awareness (from social justice to retail sales).

Anywho, enough with my second Introduction Post. I'll go find some interesting stuff to share with you now.

Picture source:

Take care, all!!

- H xo

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Late night/early morning musing

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
- John F. Kennedy

I was in the middle of chowing down the second slice of Hawaiian pizzas I had for dinner when I was reminded of an incident that happened a few months ago.

Back in January this year, a club organization on my campus called Campus for Christ held a conference event with a Vietnam War survivor named Kim Phuc. She had miraculously managed to stay alive through a brutal war that stole the lives of millions of people, despite the cost on her physical appearance, which has now become a permanent scar that remains for the rest of her life. Kim Phuc came to speak about how she found the hope that led her to be able to forgive the people who attacked and bombarded her village, her home - her life.