Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blue Gravity

I'm feeling a little inarticulate at this particular moment, so this post will be exceptionally special. Just last night, after a rather peculiar incident, I decided to scribble down my experience in my book of songs and I thought I'd share this one with my readers.


I'm losing words to say to you
There's nothing else that I can do
And this thriving silence in our dialogue,
It corrupts my hopeful dreamery

Your eyes tell me one thing
Yet what I'm acquiring
Is not my prior expectation
Which was full of sweet-scented beads

I may be too blind to see
Thus am hesitant to make believe
Baby, will you please answer me
Only then I can stop to grieve

Can you feel the cold breeze rushing in
Benumbing all my simple senses
I try to stay up, but oh blue, blue gravity
Keeps pulling me down, harder every time

© Hazel 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No, I have not yet died

My sincere apologies for being M.I.A. for over a month. I know not a lot of people read my blog, but for those of you who do, I'm terribly sorry! I'm just going to be honest with you. In the past month where I had been "idle", I was not incontrovertibly compelled to write anything on my blog. Lack of inspiration, I suppose. But don't fret! I am reading a gazillion books at the moment, so hopefully ideas will spew forth my meager, languid mind.

To start off this "new" beginning, I will open up with a poem from C.S. Lewis. His book, Mere Christianity is actually one of the books I am currently reading. He is a kick-ass genius!! [As mentioned on my facebook status]. So far, I have only read one of his published works: The Screwtape Letters. His works are rather difficult to ingest (based on my attempt to read The Pilgrim's Regress - I drove myself crazy!!), ergo I am going slow but steady, taking my time to read every single possible word written. Needless to say, I am obsessed with his writing!

I don't know which one of his works this was quoted from, as I found it on the internet. It is nevertheless a beautiful prayer, gracefully written in his clever wit. Hence, my urge to share it with the world. As for the accuracy of meaning of this poem/prayer, I'll leave that to your individual interpretation.

They tell me, Lord, that when I seem
To be in speech with you.
Since but one voice is heard, it’s all a dream
One talker aping two.

Sometimes it is, yet not as they
Conceive it. Rather, I
Seek in myself the things I hoped to say,
But lo!, my wells are dry.

Then, seeing me empty, you forsake
The listener’s role and through
My dumb lips breathe and into utterance wake
The thoughts I never knew.

And thus you neither need reply
Nor can; thus, while we seem
Two talkers, thou art One forever, and I
No dreamer, but thy dream.

- C.S. Lewis, Prayer

Picture source: Google Images