Monday, June 18, 2012

10 beauty habits I need to improve on

  1. Getting sufficient sleep every night. I NEVER do this. I don't even think I have ever slept at night....
  2. Drinking 2 litres of water everyday. I only drink approximately half of the recommended amount at most.
  3. Getting enough nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables for beautiful skin. Well, that obviously explains why I currently do not have beautiful skin.
  4. Exercising regularly. I am probably at the most unfit state of my life at the moment.
  5. Having a controlled, healthy diet. My customary diet consists only of 2 meals: lunch and dinner. More often than not, they are not done at the appropriate times. On some days I would go for lunch at noon and on other days, I would eat at 3 in the afternoon, followed by random snacks and then dinner at 9:30PM (or 10, whenever I feel hungry). I might even skip dinner on the days I don't have an appetite. I know, totally guilty.
  6. Minimizing junk food consumption. I am an all-about-junk food person (on the exception of McDonald's!). I love poutine and fries, chips, cakes, candies..... the list could go on endlessly.
  7. Showering early. I never shower before midnight (or 1 in the morning, that is), which leads to the lack of beauty sleep.
  8. Sticking to a particular brand of skin care products. I liked to switch things around because I had heard that it is a good thing, since your skin becomes acclimatized to the 'regular' products overtime – which renders them ineffective. So far as my experience goes, this has not been proven true. My skin still breaks out from foreign or excessive products I put on my face, notwithstanding how long I have been using them.
  9. Removing makeup immediately after long hours of wear. I would put on my makeup every morning when I'm about to go out, maybe around 10AM - 12PM and wait to remove it until I shower, which would be around 1 or 2 in the morning on good days. At the closing of the day, it comes down to roughly over 13 hours of makeup-wearing. I don't know how long makeup could be allowed to stay on your face, but keeping your makeup that long everyday definitely does not contribute to having healthy skin.
  10. Smiling more, frowning less. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. This is something I need to keep working on every time!

There goes my list of the current beauty habits that I need to improve on. What are your beauty habits? Do share your thoughts!

Stay beautiful,

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