Sunday, May 15, 2011

Indonesia: Pre-mission trip 2011 pt. III

I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been extremely busy in Indonesia, spending time with my family and traveling here and there. Also, I'm afflicted by what I like to call the typical Indonesian Dysfunctional Digestive Syndrome (or IDDS). My poor stomach has been very upset for the past 2 weeks, following my arrival in Indonesia. I've been swallowing countless digestive tablets and Norit (carbonated pills) to no avail. I'm sensing a slight burn in my gastric pouch as I'm typing this. Moving on.

Those who don't follow me on Twitter may not be aware that my mission trip has been pushed back to the 21st of May, which falls on a Saturday. We are coming back 9 days later, on the 30th. I believe we will be leaving by plane from Jakarta to Solo. We are having our first pre-trip meeting tomorrow, May 16. I will update you with more details as soon as possible. The theme I have been given to cover is "Relationship with God through music/songs". I'm still working on both the Power Point and written work, as I seem to work best under a lot of pressure.

I'm sorry to cut this brief post short. It is actually almost 2 o'clock in the morning (05/16) in Jakarta, so I need to get some sleep. No, it isn't my jet lag; I took a 3-hour nap at 2/3pm-ish today. I will keep my readers updated with what's going on with this mission trip.


Bonne nuit,
Hazel x

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear updates through your blog! God bless your mission, sis! :) You'll do AMAZING things for His Kingdom... I can FEEL it :D


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