Monday, December 20, 2010

mycharity: water

I took this right off my Water Campaign page.

"More than a billion people don't have access to safe drinking water. I don't mean that their pipes don't work; I mean that they have to walk hours each day to collect dirty water from stagnant ponds and muddy rivers. And the crazy thing is that for so many people, like for us here, clean water runs in lakes under their homes and village. But they don't have the drilling equipment or the money to reach it."

In my own words, why do I want to donate?
Let's keep this brief and concise. I probably have the same reason as everyone else who is doing this campaign: to provide fresh, healthy water to those in developing nations.

I first discovered Charity: Water not too long ago, as I was looking at non-profit organization profiles on Twitter. I looked into their vision and mission, and felt compelled to be a part of their campaign to build wells and make clean water easily accessible to people in countries that lack water sanitation.
As a result of this lack, many of these people are suffering from diseases, illnesses caused by bacteria; it can even hinder children from going to school because they have to get sooty water located hours from where they live.

Why should you care? Well, my answer is, why not? If there's something you can do about it, why not do it? Why wait for another time? Why stall? Death steals the lives of innocent children every ticking second. It takes away beloved ones from their families and friends as we speak. Death doesn't wait, so why should we wait to prevent it when we have a choice to NOT do so?

Just $5,000 builds a well to serve a community of 250 people. My goal is to raise $5,000 towards a well in the next three months. You can donate as little as $1 and as big as $1000. $20 can provide one person with clean water for the 20 years.

Starting small >> big progression >> transformative change.

Stop relying on other people to change the world. If you want to see change, BE the change.

Love is action. Don't just say, sing, or write about it. DO it.

Save a life today. Save one at a time. Start now.

To learn more about it yourself, go here:

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