Saturday, January 29, 2011


Why are we so afraid of Change??
Change is a Challenge.
Challenges help us grow.
Growth allows us to mature.
Maturity brings Wisdom.
By Wisdom, we advocate our pledge.
By Wisdom, we move toward a positive direction.
An astute Wisdom never misleads.
Conventions don't approve of Change;
they are a mere zone of wont Comfort.
Comfort offers Ease, not a step Forward.

“We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.” - Jimmy Carter

But being consumed in Change, we must not forsake the values and experience that constructed who we are and who we have been. Take the time to contemplate, 'What are our unchanging principles?' What do we stand to live by?
There is almost an invisible line between adjusting to the currents and getting swayed by the stream. We are NOT the latter.

Don't change yourself from being who you truly are, but rather change your view of yourself in a world surrounded by Change. Redefine your mindset. How can you accommodate to this change? How can your values contribute to Change? Don't change you; develop you.
It is because of U that an Upturn transpires.

Bottom line is, do not fear Change. The world will keep changing.
Challenge yourself and embrace this metamorphosis. Mediate upon the butterfly analogy and ponder it. The only way it can fly is to grow a pair of wings. What's been meant to be a butterfly will eventually be a butterfly. What happens is it undergoes crucial developments, starting from its early stages, all the way through the final; just as a fetus is meant to grow into a living human being.

STAY OUT of your comfort zone. Comfort provides Relaxation, not Agility.
Keep your eyes open, your attention alert, in order to move forward.
With every itch and scratch, you'll be able to see more clearly, think a little deeper and grow a little faster - intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. The sooner, the less time you'll waste.
What can be done today, we shan't delay till tomorrow.

With much love and respect,


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