Monday, October 11, 2010

Living by the rules pt. II

Rule number 3: Live simply.
Life is simple. True or false? Life is only complicated if we make it to be. This applies to almost everything, particularly in the love/relationship department (because that's apparently what it all comes down to, right?). Do you or do you not agree with me?

The proposition: Life is simple, and becomes complex once we insert our own problems into it.
Based on this hypothesis, it is still possible to live our lives the simple way. Love God, love others. Keep your mind positive. Maintain an optimistic attitude. Always see the good in people and look on the bright side. Yes. Easy to do? Answer after some examination.
How do we contaminate this simple life with our problems? I'll go with a recurring predominant theme that's frequently repeated in our lives: love/relationship.

I was once a broken-hearted girl. I was in pain. My love life was a mess. I was fringed at the edge of the cliff, ready to give up and tumble over. My life was succumbed in a depressed, hopeless state from which I kept wishing to escape. My "seasons" of happiness were temporary. I was in tears almost every night. My diaries are filled with confessions of a vexed and tired, broken, confused girl, searching for love to quench her thirst. I had a choice. I made it, but it wasn't wise. Hence, it didn't go so well. I tend to complicate things. I think and expect too much and do so little. I assume, presume, suppose, deduce upon the absence of a rational conclusion. In less words, I complicated my own life. Until now, I never know how simple it could be, had I been more simple in my thoughts and actions. I blame my imprudent subconscious demeanour.

I make every relationship I've had a stepping stone to the ones ahead. I've learned from my mistakes and I try my best to not repeat them in any way. Maybe my love life was THAT simple. I just didn't see it that way because I was too consumed in my little world, gnawing on the problems I thought would never subside. The outcome: I had a million little scars in my heart. They took a while to go away. More importantly, it takes someone special to get rid of them. Now I avoid thinking too much. Sometimes I even avoid thinking altogether. Partly because I hate having a twisted, convoluted life. And also because I'm tired of getting hurt.

Is it still possible to live our lives the simple way? Simply love God, love others. Keep your mind positive. Maintain an optimistic attitude. Don't demand for too much. Always see the good in people and look on the bright side. Yes. Easy to do? We shall try our best.

Rule number 4: Give more.
Give more of your love. Love until it hurts. Love until you've given your all and there's nothing left to give. Give more, love more.
When someone asks you for a loonie, give them a toonie. If they want a hug, give them 10.
Give more than asked. Love more than required.
I find that when one has done this, they will be much happier. It makes you feel good. Try it.

Rule number 5: Expect less.
Once you have given more, don't expect more, but the opposite. What you give does not determine what you will regain. Don't create your own problems by expecting to receive more than what you have given. Trust me, it gets you all worried and troubled up inside. In conjunction with rule #2, "free yourself from worries." It undermines your passion and brings your happiness to its decay. That doesn't sound healthy, so you don't want to do it. Forget about the good things you do to/for others. Let them remember it.

I believe we can all live happy as long as we allow ourselves to. Start your days by realizing the fact that you are still living and breathing. There's a lot to be grateful and thankful for. Take the blinds off of our shades. See the light and feel its warmth. The sun is still shining. There is hope. BE HAPPY.

"There's always a reason to smile."

**P.s. Please don't be surprised at my honesty. I am blunt.



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